For the Love of Coffee!

About Me

     Ok, so I know you're not supposed to sit drinks around the marimba, but I do it anyways. If I don't have my Americano within a 5 ft radius, I might die...Ok, I won't actually die. But I need my coffee. This is pretty much my life. If there are two things I absolutely must have in this world, they are music and coffee. They're not only my hobbies, they're my past present and future. I'm currently a college student, working slowly but surely toward my first bachelor's degree in Music Education. I want to be a high school percussion instructor and eventually move on to college level education.  I am also a barista at a local coffee shop in Nacogdoches, TX called Tabu Coffee. I take a lot of pride in both my music and my coffee. I love to learn new things about my craft, and I love telling people about it.  Not a day goes by where I don't teach someone some small snippet of info about coffee. So I thought, why not make a website and teach more people? I love to teach, and I love coffee, so I'm combining the two. 